網上報名繳費方法 Payment methods of on-line enrolment |
PPS 電話繳費 | PPS Payment by Phone |
登記賬單 Register Bill | |
1) 致電 18013 (廣東話) | 1) Dial 18011 (English) |
2)按 "1" 字 | 2) Press "1" |
3) 輸入繳費靈戶口號碼 | 3) Key in PPS Account Number |
4) 輸入商戶編號: "9793" (香港日本語教育研究會) |
4) Key in Merchant Code: "9793" (Society of Japanese Language Education Hong Kong) |
5) 輸入10位數字的 "報考編號" | 5) Key in 10-digit "Registration Number" |
6) 完成 | 6) End |
繳付賬單 Pay Bill | |
1) 致電 18033 (廣東話) | 1) Dial 18031 (English) |
2)輸入繳費靈密碼 | 2) Key in PPS Phone Password |
3) 輸入商戶編號: "9793" (香港日本語教育研究會) |
3) Key in Merchant Code: "9793" (Society of Japanese Language Education Hong Kong) |
4) 輸入10位數字的 "報考編號" | 4) Key in 10-digit "Registration Number" |
5) 輸入賬單類別 "01" (日本語能力試驗考試費) | 5) Press "01" (Test Fee for JLPT) for bill type |
6) 輸入繳付金額HK$700 | 6) Key in payment amount HK$700 |
7) 按 "1" 字確定並等候付款確認號碼 | 7) Press "1" and wait for Payment Reference Number |
8) 完成 | 8) End |
PPS 網上繳費 | PPS Payment by Internet |
登記賬單 Register Bill | |
1) 進入繳費靈網頁: http://www.ppshk.com/ |
1) Visit PPS web site: http://www.ppshk.com/ |
2) 輸入繳費靈戶口號碼/名稱及網上密碼 | 2) Input Account Number/Account Name and Internet Password |
3) 選擇 "登記賬單" | 3) Select "Add Bill" |
4) 選擇 "商戶": "9793" (香港日本語教育研究會) |
4) Select Merchant "9793" (Society of Japanese Language Education Hong Kong) |
5) 輸入賬單編號 | 5) Key in Bill Account Number |
6) 完成 | 6) End |
繳付賬單 Pay Bill | |
1) 輸入繳費靈戶口號碼/名稱及網上密碼 | 1) Key in Account Number/Account Name and Internet Password |
2)選擇 "繳付賬單" | 2) Select "Pay Bill" |
3) 選擇所需繳付的賬單並按 "繳款" | 3) Click "Pay" button to pay the bill |
4) 選擇賬單類別 "01" (日本語能力試驗考試費) | 4) Select "01" (Test Fee for JLPT) for bill type |
4) 輸入繳付金額 | 4) Enter the pay amount |
5) 按 "繼續進行" 來完成繳款手續 | 5) Click "Proceed" to finish |
6) 列印或儲存繳費資料以作紀錄 | 6) Print or save the payment details for reference |
7) 完成 | 7) End |
網上銀行繳費 | Internet Payment thru e-banking |
部份網上銀行之用戶,可利用網上銀行內"繳付賬單"功能直接繳付費用 (注意:部份銀行只接受信用卡戶口繳費,請直接向閣下所屬銀行查詢) Some users of Internet Banking Service can use the "Pay Bill" function to make payment (*Note: Some banks will only accept payment settled by Credit Card account. Please contact your bank for details.) |
1) 恆生銀行 Hang Seng Bank http://www.hangseng.com |
3) 中銀 BOC http://www.boci.com.hk |
4) 渣打銀行 Standard Chartered Bank http://www.standardchartered.com.hk |
5) 東亞銀行 Bank of East Asia http://www.hkbea-cyberbanking.com |
6) 花旗銀行 Citibank http://www.citibank.com.hk |
7) 星展銀行 DBS Bank (Hong Kong) http://www.dbs.com/hk |
8) 大新銀行 Dah Sing Bank http://www.dahsing.com |
9) Aeon 信貸財務(亞洲)有限公司 AEON Credit Service (Asia) Co., Ltd. http://www.aeon.com.hk |
10) 永亨銀行 Wing Hang Bank http://www.whbhk.com |
11) 永隆銀行 Wing Lung Bank http://www.winglungbank.com |
12) 富邦銀行 Fubon Bank http://www.fubonbank.com.hk |
13) 交通銀行 Bank of Communications http://www.bankcomm.com.hk |
14) 創興銀行 Chong Hing Bank http://www.chbank.com |
15) 中信嘉華銀行 CITIC Ka Wah Bank http://www.ckw-ibanking.com |
16) 上海商業銀行 Shanghai Commercial Bank http://www.shacombank.com.hk |
17) 中國建設銀行 China Construction Bank (New) http://www.asia.ccb.com |
指定便利店繳付現金 | payment in cash at appointed convenience stores |
考生必須自行列印「報名確認電郵」內的pdf檔附件 (包括電腦條碼),然後到以下任何一間分店繳費 (中國及澳門分店除外)。 Candidates must print out the pdf file (with the bar code) inside the "Registration confirmation email" and settle the payment at any one of the stores below (except branches in China and Macau). |
OK便利店 (分店地址) | Circle K (Location) |
VanGO便利店(分店地址) | VanGO Convenience Store(Location) |
*打印機或紙張質素有可能影響電腦條碼的清晰程度,導致掃描器不能辨認,敬請留意。在此情況下,請使用其他指定方法繳費。 *Please note that quality of printer or paper may affect the clearness of the barcode. It may not be identified by the scanner. If it happens, please use other specific payment methods. |