2023-2024 香港日本語教育研究會獎學金

As a non-profit making organization, the major mission of our Society is to promote and enhance the standard of Japanese language education in Hong Kong.

Since the implementation of the NSS syllabus in 2009, a number of local secondary schools have been offering the Japanese language as one of the Elective Subjects. In order to motivate students’ studying Japanese language, our Society implemented the SOJLEHK Scholarship & Group Project Award for NSS Japanese Language Subject Students and Sub Degree & Higher Diploma students of Japanese language learning or Japan studies in the school year of 2010-11. It has been our great honor to have representatives from the Consulate-General of Japan and well-known Japanese institutions serving as members of judge panel.

With reference to the 2023-2024 SOJLEHK Scholarship for Sub Degree & Higher Diploma Students of Japanese Language Learning, the deadline for the submission of the applications has now been extended to 12 June 2024.

【申請書】香港日本語教育研究會獎學金 - 日文副學士及高級文憑學生 (PDF)
SOJLEHK Scholarship for Sub Degree & Higher Diploma Program Students of Japanese Language / Japan Studies(PDF)

【申請書】香港日本語教育研究會「小組研究項目獎」 - 日文 / 日本研究副學士及高級文憑學生 (PDF)
SOJLEHK Group Project Award for Sub Degree & Higher Diploma Students of Japanese Language Learning / Japan Studies (PDF)

【申請書】香港日本語教育研究會獎學金 - 高中日語課程學生 (PDF)
SOJLEHK Scholarship for Senior Secondary Japanese Language Subject Students (PDF)

【申請書】香港日本語教育研究會「小組研究項目獎」- 高中日語課程學生 (PDF)
SOJLEHK Group Project Award for Senior Secondary Japanese Language Subject Students (PDF)